Variety and customised care drives Racquel to enable better lives

By Racquel Todor

Jul 14 2022


“I think a lot of people downgrade the importance of employment. Downgrade the important of feeling useful; of feeling like to are offering something important.”

Racquel’s lived experience with mental health injury isn’t just what contributed to her path into psychology.

It has given her the skills to connect with her clients on an even deeper level.

And less than a year into the APM Graduate Program, she has found a network at APM to support her progression in the trauma and rehabilitation industries.

It was the variety of experiences available through the APM Graduate Program which motivated Racquel to apply.

“APM are a fast-developing company with global practices in rehabilitation counselling, organisational psychology and child therapy.”

“They have such a high reputation of holistic and whole-person custom care, so it was obvious that it was a company I wanted to be a part of.”

Located in Brisbane, she is thriving in her new-found professional environment.

“I have never experienced such a safe learning environment like the one I have now at APM. My mistakes are met with compassion. My achievements are met with praise.”

Even as a recent graduate, she has connected with other experienced and graduate professionals

“My superiors constantly acknowledge and respect the experience, knowledge, and skill that I can provide, even though I am a new grad. I am treated as a professional.”

Racquel describes her motivation as being influenced by her desire to improve someone’s experience of life, treatment, care and confidence. Something she has observed widely at APM.

“Occupational Rehabilitation to me, is knowing how I can gather and assess all the rehab and healing being done and support someone towards financial independence.”

Everyone brings their context and experiences to their role at work, but helping people through occupational rehabilitation has a particularly personal connection for Racquel.

“I personally have lived experience with unemployment. I am considered disabled due to the mental health injuries that I have recovered from” she said.

“It can lead someone to feel incapable. It is hard to find meaning in life when you do not know what your purpose is; when you do not feel like you are fulfilling your needs, your goals, your aspirations.”

While some days in any role can be challenging, Racquel has found a safe space to seek the feedback, wisdom and support she needs to become another one of APM’s team of capable professionals.

As a Graduate Occupational Rehabilitation Consultant within the APM Group, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping someone make positive changes in their life through your regular interactions and care. The APM Group Graduate Program offers you the opportunity to experience multiple brands through a two-year Program to kick start your health career. To find out more and apply visit


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