Disability inclusive disco EasyBeatz a hit!
More than 100 people took to the dancefloor of a community country club for the latest inclusive disco event EasyBeatz.
The Byford and Districts Country Club has shared their transformative journey to increasing inclusion, thanks to support from APM Communities – which included hosting EasyBeatz.
The inclusive event, EasyBeatz, brought together people with disability and their support workers for an evening of dancing and socialising.
Club manager Ray has shared the club’s experience of working with APM and embracing opportunities to include everyone at the venue in Western Australia.
"What APM did for us was open our eyes. Without APM, we'd still be where we were six months ago without knowing this whole sector exists."
The collaboration began when APM Communities approached the club with a simple yet impactful question:
"Would you like to host an inclusive event here?"
The answer was an immediate and enthusiastic "Yes".
Find out more about how APM fostered a partnership to bring this initiative to live - disco lights and all!
Find out more about how APM Communities supports people with disability through our living with disability page.